BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (2024)

Last updated Jun 17, 2024 at 11:47AM | Published on Jan 4, 2020 | Black Desert Online, Life Skills, | 4

BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (1)

Epheria Caravel became part of Black Desert Online in The Great Expedition Update on 23 October 2019. Caravel is an upgrade from Epheria Sailboat and takes considerable planning and time to obtain. You must already own an Epheria Sailboat to upgrade to a Caravel.

Caravel Strengths:

  • Captain cannons (see details below)
  • Twice as much LT (an additional 5,000 LT)
  • 5 more Inventory and 20 more Cabins
Ship StatEpheria SailboatImproved SailboatEpheria CaravelCarrack (Advance)Carrack (Balance)
HP1,000,0001,000,0001,000,0001,350,000 1,300,000
Rations1,000,0001,000,0001,100,000 1,300,000 1,400,000
Base LT5,0005,00010,000 16,500 15,000
Speed100%100%100%110% 115%
Turn110%110%110%115% 115%
Brake110%110%110%115% 115%
Inventory25 slots25 slots30 slots 40 slots 35 slots
Cabins101030 100 100
Cannon per Side1 (player)2 (captain) 2 (captain) 9 (captain) 9 (captain)
Reload17s13s 13s 13s12s

Caravel Cannons – Greater Attack

The Caravel brings great improvement in fire power. The cannons are considered“Captain” controlled. This means you can press RMB or LMB to fire the right/left side cannons.

Lower tier ships, like the Epheria Sailboat have “Player” controlled cannons requiring you to stop the ship to fire them, unless you have a friend on the ship.

With the Caravel’s captain cannons you can move and turn the ship, while firing at the enemy all at the same time.

You also have the ability to enter into FocusFire mode by pressing Q or E keys. (Ship/Sailing Skills Guide)

The Caravel cannons are solo friendly. Unfortunately, this also means your passengers have nothing to do if you take them along for sea monster hunting.

Caravel: Best in Barter & Trade

Caravel is the best ship for barter, earning the top stats in weight limit and inventory.

  • 2,000 more weight limit than T4 Galleass
  • 15 more Inventory slots than T4 Galleass

The Caravel allows you to pick up 20 more [Level 1] Barter goods, without returning to land for storage.

This is important because you only have to make one trip for two full loads, and obtain the maximum exchanges, instead of two seperate trips back and forth to storage. A Galleass would have to make two trips back and forth to storage, in order to obtain the maximum exchanges for two [Level 1] Barter Routes.

After you upgrade the Caravel to a Carrack, the Carrack created will also be a ship that is superior for barter purposes.

Epheria Caravel vs Epheria Galleass
Barter ——T4 —— Battle
Ship StatEpheria CaravelEpheria Galleass
Weight Limit10,000 8,000
Inventory30 slots 15 slots
Cannon per Side2 (captain)4 (captain)

Epheria Caravel Materials

Epheria Caravel requires materials that can be obtained via Barter, sailing quests, and sea monster hunting.

Obtaining Epheria Caravel Materials:

  • Sea Monster Hunting: obtain Caravel mats from Hekaru, Ocean Stalker, Young Hekaru, Young Ocean Stalker, Sea of Silence Young Candidum, Young Nineshark, and Young Black Rust
  • Rare procs from gathering or worker nodes (various tree saps)
  • Regional Sea Monster Quests
  • Spend Crow Coin at theCrow Coin Shop
  • Barterwith [Level 2 to 5] Sea Trade Goods and use Ship Material Refresh
  • Sailing/Barter Quests:
    • Great Expedition Main Sailing Questline (Vigorous Velia)
    • Ravinia’s 7 Day Quest Line
    • Repeatable Sailing/Barter Quests

With just a glance, you can see it may take days to obtain everything you need. Depending upon your luck, it could be many weeks.

Total Materials for Caravel

You will need all of the following materials in order to upgrade an Epheria Sailboat to an Epheria Caravel.

Galleass MaterialQty
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (4)Epheria: Old Cannon1
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (5)Epheria: Old Plating1
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (6)Epheria: Old Figurehead1
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (7)Epheria: Old Wind Sail1
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (8)Tidal Black Stone for +10 Ship Gear Enhancement Level40
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (9)Ship Upgrade Permit: Epheria Caravel1
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (10)Island Tree Coated Plywood100
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (11)Deep Sea Memory Filled Glue4
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (12)Seaweed Stalk4
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (13)Rock Salt Ingot100
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (14)
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (15)
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (16)
Acacia Sap –forAdhesive for Upgrade
White Cedar Sap –forAdhesive for Upgrade
Elder Tree Sap –forAdhesive for Upgrade

To craft Adhesive for Upgrade: Process 100 of each sap with 1 Ooze OR process 300 of one sap with 1 Ooze.
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (17)Red Tree Lump – forTimber for Upgrade10,000
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (18)Old Tree Bark – forTimber for Upgrade10,000
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (19)Zinc Ingot – forGraphite Ingot for Upgrade10,000
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (20)Sea Monster’s Ooze – for all Upgrade parts300

Caravel Materials (Detailed List)

NOTE: The material costs below assume best level of Processing. (2.5 average yield per process recipe completion)

NOTE #2: Quantities below are the FULL cost, excluding Ravinia’s quest line, which yields half of many materials.

BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (21)

Epheria Caravel Materials

Ship MatsAdditional Info
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (22)Graphite Ingot for Upgrade x100

Processing > Heating:

  • Zinc Ingot (10,000)
    • Melted Zinc Shard (37,040)
      • Zinc Ore (74,080)
  • Sea Monster’s Ooze (100)
    • Loot from <Hungry> Hekaru, <Diseased> Hekaru, and <Hungry> Ocean Stalker.
    • 200 from Regional Sea Monster Quests

Ravinia Quest LineDays 1 & 4 (x50 total)

BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (23)Timber for Upgrade x100

Processing > Chopping:

  • Old Tree Bark (10,000)
  • Red Tree Lump (10,000)
  • Sea Monster’s Ooze (100) Loot from <Hungry> Hekaru, <Diseased> Hekaru, and <Hungry> Ocean Stalker

Ravinia Quest LineDays 1 & 4 (x50 total)

BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (24)Adhesive for Upgrade x100

Processing > Heating:

  • Tree Sap: (30,000) mix match White Cedar, Acacia, or Elder Tree
  • Sea Monster’s Ooze (100) Loot from <Hungry> Hekaru, <Diseased> Hekaru, and <Hungry> Ocean Stalker

To craft 1 Adhesive for Upgrade: Process 100 of each sap with 1 Ooze OR process 300 of one sap with 1 Ooze.

Ravinia Quest LineDays 1 & 4 (x50 total)

BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (25)Ship Upgrade Permit: Epheria Caravel x1Sold byPhilaberto Falasi in Port Epheria $400,000,000
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (26)Island Tree Coated Plywood x100

Barter 1x Sea Trade Good for x100 Plywood

  • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (27)[Level 2] Filtered Drinking Water
  • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (28)[Level 2] Islanders’ Lunchbox
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (29)Rock Salt Ingot x100

Drops from Hungry and Young sea monster habitats.

Barter 1x Sea Trade Good for x50 Ingot

  • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (30)[Level 2] Balanced Stone Pagoda
  • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (31) [Level 2] Cron Castle Gold Coin
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (32)Deep Sea Memory Filled Glue x4
  • [Daily] Lively Iliya Island I= x8 Glue – barter 5 times
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = x16 (for details:Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop140 Crow Coins Each (560 total)
  • Barter 1x Sea Trade Good for x4 Glue
    • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (33)[Level 3] Torn Pirate Treasure Map
    • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (34)[Level 3] Gooey Monster Blood
    • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (35)[Level 3] Rare Herb Pile
    • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (36)[Level 3] Blue Candle Bundle
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (37)Seaweed Stalk x4
  • [Daily] Precious Coral Piece – give Coral Piece (10) to Curio (6 Stalks daily)
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = x8 (for details:Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 100 Crow Coins Each
  • Otter Merchant: 20 to 80 Iridescent Coral for 1 Stalk
  • Barter 1x Sea Trade Good for 1x Stalk
    • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (38)[Level 4] Stolen Pirate Dagger
    • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (39)[Level 4] Pirate’s Key
    • BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (40)[Level 4] Bronze Candlestick
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (41)Epheria: Old Figurehead enhanced to +10Read our guide on Epheria Old Ship Gear.
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (42)Epheria: Old Plating enhanced to +10
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (43)Epheria: Old Cannon enhanced to +10
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (44)Epheria: Old Wind Sail enhanced to +10

Caravel Materials Needed if Completing Ravina’s Questline

ATTENTION! –> Completing days 1 and 4 of Ravinia’s Quest Line gives 50 each of Graphite Ingot for Upgrade, Timber for Upgrade, and Adhesive for Upgrade. This will halve the amount of each you will need to craft yourself.

The materials list below shows the refigured amounts you need to gather to process 50 Ingots, Timbers, and Adhesives instead of 100.

Zinc Ingot Processing

You will need 10,000 Zinc Ingots in order to obtain 100 Graphite Ingot for Upgrade.

To determine the base amount of Zinc Ore you need for processing, please visit Zinc Processing Calculator.

With a Processing level of Master 1 you need about 74,080 Zinc Ore.

How to Upgrade to Caravel

To upgrade your Epheria Sailboat to the Caravel, vist the <Wharf Manager> in Veila, Port Epheria, or Illya Island.

Please Note: Illya Island and Port Epheria don’t have access to the Warehouse.

Remove any ship gear that is currently being worn by your ship. All Old Epheria ship gear must be fully repaired in Durability and Max Durability.

Put your naked ship back into the wharf storage and select Upgrade Ship.

All repaired ship gear and upgrade materials must be in your inventory. Click the Upgrade Button and wait a few seconds for the upgrade to complete.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You are now the proud owner of a baby Caravel with 10k LT. Be sure to feed it rations before you head out onto open waters.

What Next??

Now you’ll want to dress your baby Caravel. Purchase green-grade Caravel gear from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria and enhance it to +10 for increased stats. See this guide on enhancing green-grade Caravel gear.

BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (55)


  • GrumpyG’s guide to upgrading a Frigate to Epheria Galleass
  • Great Expedition GuideGoogle Doc– Thank you toBDO family name: Airie (SEA), Akiri (Global-Lab),Discord: Kiri Airie#6217
  • Official BDOThe Launch of a Great Expedition
  • Official BDOThe Great Expedition Update
  • BDO Sailing/Vell Discord– talk and chat web app for everything Sailing
BDO Epheria Caravel: Design, Materials, Quest (2024)


How to upgrade to Epheria Caravel? ›

Upgrading Epheria Sailboat to Caravel
  1. Get an upgrade permit.
  2. Acquire a variety of materials that require me to kill hundreds of sea monsters? Then process with base materials to create what's required for the ship. ...
  3. Minor administrative stuff to make design + parts = new boat.
Apr 16, 2023

Where can I get a design epheria sailboat? ›

There are currently 4 different ways to obtain the Epheria Sailboat:
  • Purchase the Epheria Sailboat from the Central Market (approx 500 million silver)
  • Craft the ship yourself at the Port Epheria Shipyard.
  • Upgrade the Bartali Sailboat into an Epheria Sailboat.
May 14, 2023

How do I upgrade my ship in BDO? ›

Register the ship you wish to upgrade at a wharf via the Wharf Manager NPC. Then use the Upgrade menu option and add all the materials required to upgrade the ship.

How much is the Epheria frigate? ›

Purchase the Epheria Frigate from the Central Market (approx 2.6 billion silver) Craft the ship yourself at the Port Epheria Shipyard. Upgrade the Bartali Sailboat into an Epheria Frigate.

What was the difference between a caravel and a carrack? ›

Carracks were slower and less maneuverable than caravels, but they were sturdier in rough waters. Because they had much more storage space than caravels, Portuguese and Spanish crews used them for longer trips to Asian spice markets.

Does Epheria cog have cannons? ›

The Epheria Cog is a ship capable of high speeds across the high seas. The Cog has 1 inventory slot which is less than ideal for many who are looking to start trading across the open seas. It also lacks offensive options as it has no cannons on its deck.

Are ship upgrades permanent? ›

All ship upgrades are permanent. Once upgraded, a ship cannot be reverted back to its previous state. The only way to revert an upgraded ship is to potentially reclaim your pledge then buy it back. This strips all upgrades on the ship and forcefully returns the original ship with the pledge.

What is the BDO ship code? ›

BDO Unibank SWIFT code in the Philippines. The SWIFT/BIC code for BDO Unibank is BNORPHMMXXX.

Where can I upgrade my ship? ›

To upgrade your ship, you must find a Ship Technician NPC at a landing port. These are found in cities, such as New Atlantis. Speak with the Ship Technician and select the "I'd like to view and modify my ships" option.

What is the difference between Epheria Carrack Valor and Volante? ›

The Valor carrack is great for sea monster hunting and navy combat while the Volante carrack is the fastest of all the carracks. You could make your own Epheria Sailboat or Frigate, however, it would save you a lot of time to simply purchase one from the Central Market.

How much is the most expensive military ship? ›

Shockingly, many nations don't possess annual GDPs higher than the price of a single Ford-class ship. Priced at a whopping $13 billion per unit, this carrier class will be expected to project air power around the globe. The Navy has argued that this high price tag is more than justified by the class' capabilities.

What materials do you need to craft the Epheria frigate? ›

3 you can also craft the Epheria Frigate from nothing. Materials required both for the upgrade and the craft from the shipyard: Standardized Timber Square x1000. Jade Coral Ingot x800.

How do I upgrade my Spiritfarer ship? ›

He'll give you a Blueprint Table for free, but any upgrades will come at a small price. If you want them, just go to Albert and direct him to “Upgrade.” Then, talk to him again and he'll add that you can also build and edit buildings on your boat. Also, if you want to upgrade the size of your boat, he's your guy.

How do you get the upgraded ship in Star Citizen? ›

You can do this by:
  1. Head over to our upgrades section.
  2. Find the upgrade to the ship you want to upgrade to and choose the correct source ship from the drop down menu.
  3. Complete the purchase.
  4. Wait for the delivery via RSI gifting system (in most cases you should receive an email with the gift link in a few minutes)

How do you get the Epheria cog? ›

The only way to acquire it is to craft it (Iliya Island, Altinova and possibly elsewhere). You can also obtain it as a reward for finishing the Vigorous Velia questline, but that's one time only.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.