Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (2024)

Last updated Jun 2, 2024 at 4:08PM | Published on Dec 28, 2019 | Black Desert Online, Life Skills, | 5

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (1)

Epheria Galleass ship gear of blue grade were introduced with The Great Expedition Update on 23 October 2019.

Ship gear is important to make your ship more powerful in battle and barter. For example, cannons increase damage and plating increases weight limits for Barter. All ship parts add some Weight Limit and Rations.

Blue grade Galleass ship gear are crafted in Port Epheria and will take time to gather all the materials. Galleass ship gear materials can be obtained primarily through ocean-related questing, sea monster hunting, and barter.

Blue Grade Galleass Ship Parts:

  • Crafted by a worker in Port Epheria workshop
  • Ship part materials take planning and time to obtain.
  • Enhancement levels do not drop on Enhancement failure, but special Black Stones take more effort to obtain than normal Black Stones.

Galleass Ship Part Set Totals

+10 Enhancement

Defense (DP): 90
Damage Reduction: 90
Weight Limit: +5,000 LT
Max Rations: +100,000
Movement Speed: +12%
Max Durability: +110,000
Turn: +10%
Brake: +10%
Sea Monster Damage: +20,000 x4 hits
Ship Damage: +15,000 x4 hits

Epheria Galleass Ship Parts (Blue Grade) +10 Enhancement
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (2)
Black Dragon Figurehead
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (3)
Upgraded Plating
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (4)
Mayna Cannon
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (5)
Stratus Wind Sail
Defense (DP): 45
Damage Reduction: 45
Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
Movement Speed +12%
Max Durability +30000
Defense (DP): 45
Damage Reduction: 45

Weight Limit +2000LT
Max Rations +40000
Max Durability +30000
Max Durability +50000
Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
Sea Monster Damage +20000 x4 hits
Ships Damage +15000 x4 hits
Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
Turn +10%
Brake +10%

Blue Grade Ship Part Enhancement:Epheria Galleass

Black StoneEnhancementDurability
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (6)Tidal Black Stone+1 to +55
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (7)Tidal Black Stone+6 to +1010

The enhancement level does NOT drop if the enhancement attempt fails.

Blue Ship Part Failstacks(Thanks to theinsaneaussie#6906 for posting this in Discord!)

Force Enhancement (100% Chance)
LvDurability CostBlack Stones
Normal Enhancement
LvDurability CostBlack StonesEnhancement Chance

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (8) Obtaining Tidal Black Stone

Tidal Black Stone is obtained via barter, sailing quests, or sea monster hunting.

  • Spend Crow Coin x10at theCrow Coin Shop
  • Barterwith[Level 1 to 4] Sea Trade Goods
  • Sailing/Barter Quests:
    • Great Expedition Main Sailing Questline (Kanilla Delcas)
    • Ravinia’s 7 Day Quest Line
    • Repeatable Sailing/Barter Quests
  • Hunt Sea Monsters – drops from Hekaru, Ocean Stalker, Sea of Silence, Young Candidum, Young Nineshark, Young Black Rust.
  • Regional Sea Monster Quests
  • Give Sea Trade Goods to Baori <Storage Keeper> atIliya Island.
    • [Level 2]Sea Trade Good = 2 Tidal Black Stones
    • [Level 3]Sea Trade Good = 4 Tidal Black Stones

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (9)

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (10)Epheria Galleass: Black Dragon Figurehead

Epheria Galleass: Black Dragon Figurehead

Figurehead is the ship part primarily used to increase ship Speed. You will need to enhance this to +10 to upgrade the Galleass to a Carrack.

+0 Enhancement
Defense (DP): 25
Damage Reduction: 25

Weight Limit +300LT
Max Rations +5000
Movement Speed +7%
Max Durability +10000

+10 Enhancement
Defense (DP): 45
Damage Reduction: 45

Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
Movement Speed +12%
Max Durability +30000

Black Dragon Figurehead Stats per Enhancement Level

Lv.DPDRShip Part Stat
+02525Weight Limit +300LT
Max Rations +5000
Movement Speed +7%
Max Durability +10000
+12727Weight Limit +350LT
Max Rations +6000
Movement Speed +7.5%
Max Durability +12000
+22929Weight Limit +400LT
Max Rations +7000
Movement Speed +8%
Max Durability +14000
+33131Weight Limit +450LT
Max Rations +8000
Movement Speed +8.5%
Max Durability +16000
+43333Weight Limit +500LT
Max Rations +9000
Movement Speed +9%
Max Durability +18000
+53535Weight Limit +550LT
Max Rations +10000
Movement Speed +9.5%
Max Durability +20000
Lv.DPDRShip Part Stat
+63737Weight Limit +600LT
Max Rations +12000
Movement Speed +10%
Max Durability +22000
+73939Weight Limit +700LT
Max Rations +14000
Movement Speed +10.5%
Max Durability +24000
+84141Weight Limit +800LT
Max Rations +16000
Movement Speed +11%
Max Durability +26000
+94343Weight Limit +900LT
Max Rations +18000
Movement Speed +11.5%
Max Durability +28000
+104545Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
Movement Speed +12%
Max Durability +30000

Design for Epheria Galleass: Black Dragon Figurehead

Craft at the Ship Part Workshop in Port Epheria 1-4, 2F.

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (14) 125 – Seaweed Stalk

Black Dragon Figurehead Materials (Detailed)

QtyShip Part MaterialMaterial Obtained By

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (16)


+10 Epheria Galleass: White Horn Figurehead

Purchase fromPhilaberto Falasiin Port Epheria.Cost: 8 million Silver each

Detailed Guide: Green Galleass Ship Parts

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (17)50Ruddy Manganese Nodule
  • [Daily] For the Young Otter Merchants – give Iridescent Coral Piece (1) to Curio (2 Nodules daily)
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = 4 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 250 Crow Coins Each (12,500 total)
  • Otter Merchant: 60 to 120 Iridescent Coral for 1 Nodule
  • Barter x1 [Level 4] Sea Trade Good for x1 Nodule
  • Sailor Exploration Quests
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (18)300Enhanced Island Tree Coated Plywood
  • Barter 1x [Level 4] Sea Trade Good for 10x Plywood
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = 20 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 50 Crow Coins Each (15,000 total)
  • [Daily] Lively Iliya Island II – barter 10 times (10 Plywood daily)
  • rare drop from Hekaru and Young Nineshark
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (19)125Seaweed Stalk
  • [Daily] Precious Coral Piece – give Coral Piece (10) to Curio (6 Stalks daily)
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = 8 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 100 Crow Coins Each (12,500 total)
  • Otter Merchant: 20 to 80 Iridescent Coral for 1 Stalk
  • Suspicious Cargo Ship drop
  • Barter 1x [Level 4] Sea Trade Good for 1x Stalk
  • Sailor Exploration Quests
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (20)150Great Ocean Dark Iron
  • Barter 1x [Level 4] Sea Trade Good for 3x Iron
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 160 Crow Coins Each (24,000 total)
  • rare drop from Ocean Stalker, Young Black Rust, Young Candidum
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = 6 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (21)Epheria Galleass: Upgraded Plating

Epheria Galleass: Upgraded Plating

Plating is the ship part primarily used to increase ship Weight Limit and Max Rations. You will need to enhance this to +10 to upgrade the Galleass to a Carrack.

+0 Enhancement
Defense (DP): 30
Damage Reduction: 30

Weight Limit +600LT
Max Rations +10000
Max Durability +10000

+10 Enhancement
Defense (DP): 45
Damage Reduction: 45

Weight Limit +2000LT
Max Rations +40000
Max Durability +30000

Upgraded Plating Stats per Enhancement Level

Lv.DPDRShip Part Stat
+03030Weight Limit +600LT
Max Rations +10000
Max Durability +10000
+13131Weight Limit +700LT
Max Rations +12000
Max Durability +12000
+23232Weight Limit +800LT
Max Rations +14000
Max Durability +14000
+33333Weight Limit +900LT
Max Rations +16000
Max Durability +16000
+43434Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +18000
Max Durability +18000
+53535Weight Limit +1100LT
Max Rations +20000
Max Durability +20000
Lv.DPDRShip Part Stat
+63737Weight Limit +1250LT
Max Rations +24000
Max Durability +22000
+73939Weight Limit +1400LT
Max Rations +28000
Max Durability +24000
+84141Weight Limit +1600LT
Max Rations +32000
Max Durability +26000
+94343Weight Limit +1800LT
Max Rations +36000
Max Durability +28000
+104545Weight Limit +2000LT
Max Rations +40000
Max Durability +30000

Design for Epheria Galleass: Upgraded Plating

Craft at the Ship Part Workshop in Port Epheria 1-4, 2F.

Upgraded Plating Materials (Detailed)

QtyShip Part MaterialMaterial Obtained By
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (27)


+10 Epheria Galleass: Enhanced Plating

Purchase fromPhilaberto Falasiin Port Epheria.Cost: 9 million Silver each

Detailed Guide: Green Galleass Ship Parts

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (28)45Pure Pearl Crystal
  • [Daily] Lively Iliya Island I = x2 Pure Pearl Crystal – barter 5 times
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = 4 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 250 Crow Coins Each (11,250 total)
  • Barter x1 [Level 3] Sea Trade Good for 1x Crystal
  • rare drop from Hekaru
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (29)125Cox Pirates’ Artifact (Combat)
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (30)300Moon Scale Plywood
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = 20 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • [Daily] Old Moon Guild’s Young Sea Monster HunterDefeat 5 Young Candidum NW of Oquilla’s Eye – 10x Plywood
  • Processing > Drying: Khan’s Scale: 200 Crow Coin Each or from Khan guild boss = 10x Plywood
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 20 Crow Coins Each (6,000 total)
  • Barter 1x [Level 5] Sea Trade Good for 10 Plywood.
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (31)60Cox Pirates’ Artifact (Parley Beginner)

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (32)Epheria Galleass: Mayna Cannon

Epheria Galleass: Mayna Cannon

Cannon is the ship part primarily used to increase cannon Damage. You will need to enhance this to +10 to upgrade the Galleass to a Carrack.

+0 Enhancement
Max Durability +10000
Weight Limit +300LT
Max Rations +5000
Sea Monster Damage +1000 x4 hits
Ships Damage +400 x4 hits

+10 Enhancement
Max Durability +50000
Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
Sea Monster Damage +20000 x4 hits
Ships Damage +15000 x4 hits

Mayna Cannon Stats per Enhancement Level

Lv.Ship Part Stat
+0Max Durability +10000
Weight Limit +300LT
Max Rations +5000
+Sea Monster Damage +1000 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +400 x4 hits
+1Max Durability +14000
Weight Limit +350LT
Max Rations +6000
+Sea Monster Damage +2500 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +1190 x4 hits
+2Max Durability +18000
Weight Limit +400LT
Max Rations +7000
+Sea Monster Damage +4000 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +2180 x4 hits
+3Max Durability +22000
Weight Limit +450LT
Max Rations +8000
+Sea Monster Damage +5500 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +3340 x4 hits
+4Max Durability +26000
Weight Limit +500LT
Max Rations +9000
+Sea Monster Damage +7000 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +4600 x4 hits
+5Max Durability +30000
Weight Limit +550LT
Max Rations +10000
+Sea Monster Damage +8500 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +5880 x4 hits
Lv.Ship Part Stat
+6Max Durability +34000
Weight Limit +600LT
Max Rations +12000
+Sea Monster Damage +10500 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +7500 x4 hits
+7Max Durability +38000
Weight Limit +700LT
Max Rations +14000
+Sea Monster Damage +12500 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +9160 x4 hits
+8Max Durability +42000
Weight Limit +800LT
Max Rations +16000
+Sea Monster Damage +14500 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +10500 x4 hits
+9Max Durability +46000
Weight Limit +900LT
Max Rations +18000
+Sea Monster Damage +16500 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +12000 x4 hits
+10Equip Effect
Max Durability +50000
Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
+Sea Monster Damage +20000 x4 hits
+Enemy Ship Damage +15000 x4 hits

Design for Epheria Galleass: Mayna Cannon

Craft at the Ship Part Workshop in Port Epheria 1-4, 2F.

Mayna Cannon Materials (Detailed)

QtyShip Part MaterialMaterial Obtained By
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (38)


+10 Epheria Galleass: Verisha Cannon

Purchase fromPhilaberto Falasiin Port Epheria.Cost: 8 million Silver each

Detailed Guide: Green Galleass Ship Parts

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (39)180Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square
  • [Daily] Our Guild is not a Charity Group – Defeat 2 young sea monsters NW of Oquilla’s Eye (x3 Timber)
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = x6 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 100 Crow Coins Each (18,000 total)
  • Processing > Chopping: Wrecked Debris from Cox Pirates’ Shadow Ghost = 1
  • Barter 1x [Level 4] Sea Trade Goods for 1x Timber
  • Sailor Exploration Quests
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (40)125Cox Pirates’ Artifact (Combat)
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (41)300Moon Scale Plywood
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = x20 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • [Daily] Old Moon Guild’s Young Sea Monster HunterDefeat 5 Young Candidum NW of Oquilla’s Eye – 10x Plywood
  • Processing > Drying: Khan’s Scale: 200 Crow Coin Each or from Khan guild boss = 10x Plywood
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 20 Crow Coins Each (6,000 total)
  • Barter 1x [Level 5] Sea Trade Good for 10 Plywood.
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (42)180Bright Reef Piece
  • [Daily] Lively Iliya Island I = x8 Pieces – barter 5 times
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = x16 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Barter 1x [Level 3] Sea Trade Good for 1x Piece
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 40 Crow Coins Each (7,200 total)
  • rare drop from Hekaru and Ocean Stalker
  • Sailor Exploration Quests

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (43)Epheria Galleass: Stratus Wind Sail

Epheria Galleass: Stratus Wind Sail

Sail is the ship part primarily used to increase ship Turn and Brake. You will need to enhance this to +10 to upgrade the Galleass to a Carrack.

+0 Enhancement
Weight Limit +300LT
Max Rations +5000
Turn +4%
Brake +4%

+10 Enhancement
Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
Turn +10%
Brake +10%

Stratus Wind Sail Stats per Enhancement Level

Lv.Ship Part Stat
+0Weight Limit +300LT
Max Rations +5000
Turn +4%
Brake +4%
+1Weight Limit +350LT
Max Rations +6000
Turn +4.6%
Brake +4.6%
+2Weight Limit +400LT
Max Rations +7000
Turn +5.2%
Brake +5.2%
+3Weight Limit +450LT
Max Rations +8000
Turn +5.8%
Brake +5.8%
+4Weight Limit +500LT
Max Rations +9000
Turn +6.4%
Brake +6.4%
+5Weight Limit +550LT
Max Rations +10000
Turn +7%
Brake +7%
Lv.Ship Part Stat
+6Weight Limit +600LT
Max Rations +12000
Turn +7.6%
Brake +7.6%
+7Weight Limit +700LT
Max Rations +14000
Turn +8.2%
Brake +8.2%
+8Weight Limit +800LT
Max Rations +16000
Turn +8.8%
Brake +8.8%
+9Weight Limit +900LT
Max Rations +18000
Turn +9.4%
Brake +9.4%
+10Weight Limit +1000LT
Max Rations +20000
Turn +10%
Brake +10%

Design for Epheria Galleass: Stratus Wind Sail

Craft at the Ship Part Workshop in Port Epheria 1-4, 2F.

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (47) 125 – Seaweed Stalk

Stratus Wind Sail Materials (Detailed)

QtyShip Part MaterialMaterial Obtained By
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (49)


+10 Epheria Galleass: White Wind SailPurchase from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria. Cost: 7 million Silver each Detailed Guide: Green Galleass Ship Parts
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (50)50Ruddy Manganese Nodule
  • [Daily] For the Young Otter Merchants – give Iridescent Coral Piece (1) to Curio (2 Nodules daily)
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = x4 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 250 Crow Coins Each (12,500 total)
  • Otter Merchant: 60 to 120 Iridescent Coral for 1 Nodule
  • Barter x1 [Level 4] Sea Trade Good for x1 Nodule
  • Sailor Exploration Quests
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (51)30
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (52)125Seaweed Stalk
  • [Daily] Precious Coral Piece – give Coral Piece (10) to Curio (6 Stalks daily)
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = 8 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 100 Crow Coins Each (12,500 total)
  • Otter Merchant: 20 to 80 Iridescent Coral for 1 Stalk
  • Suspicious Cargo Ship drop
  • Barter 1x [Level 4] Sea Trade Good for 1x Stalk
  • Sailor Exploration Quests
Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (53)30Luminous Cobalt Ingot
  • Barter 1x [Level 4] Sea Trade Good for 1x Ingot
  • Ravinia’s Crow Coin Shop 500 Crow Coins Each (15,000 total)
  • rare drop from Hekaru, Ocean Stalker, Young Candidum
  • Sailor Exploration Quests
  • 50 Oquilla Coins = 2 (for details: Daily Sailing Quests Guide)

Additional Info

Epheria Galleass Ship Gear (Blue Grade) Design & Enhancement (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.