FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5 (2024)

Here is our FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5

The final big Patch of FFXIV landed just a month ago and we're all slowly gearing up for a lengthy winter/springtime slumber until the new expansion Dawntrail arrives in the summer of 2024. But if you're looking to get into the high-end side of content now, there is no better time for it.

So whether you're looking to catch up on the recent batch of Savage Raids or are finally tackling one of the game's many Ultimate encounters you want to make sure that you pick the right Job for the job, for that, we have compiled this hand little Tier List evaluating jobs by balance while giving you a quick rundown of the current meta.


  • 1 FFXIV Job Tier List
    • 1.1 FFXIV Tank Tier List
      • 1.1.1 S Tier
      • 1.1.2 A Tier
      • 1.1.3 B Tier
    • 1.2 FFXIV Healer Tier List
      • 1.2.1 S Tier
      • 1.2.2 A Tier
    • 1.3 FFXIV Melee DPS Tier List
      • 1.3.1 S Tier
      • 1.3.2 A Tier
      • 1.3.3 B Tier
    • 1.4 FFXIV Ranged DPS Tier List
      • 1.4.1 S Tier
      • 1.4.2 A Tier
      • 1.4.3 B Tier
    • 1.5 FFXIV Magical DPS Tier List
      • 1.5.1 S Tier
      • 1.5.2 A Tier
      • 1.5.3 B Tier

FFXIV Tank Tier List

FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5 (1)

Tanks had a bit of an up and down in 6. x with the Dark Knight dominating the DPS charts while also boasting some of the strongest mitigation of all the tanks. Thanks to rigorous changes in the balance and a rework of the Paladin Job we're almost back to where we started at the end of Shadowbringers.

S Tier

Gunbreaker – Good damage, decent self-preservation, and one of the most fun rotations of all the tanks. It now boasts the highest damage output of them all with a rotation that demands perfection. Well deserved.

A Tier

Warrior – It was weird seeing Warrior down in the dumps for so long of Endwalker. It is still the easiest tank to pick up with good damage and really strong mitigation. Making it perfect on reclears you don't want to crutch on anything.

Paladin – After a full-on rework that took the DoT away, the Endwalker posterchild has been reeled in a bit. Maybe in Dawntrail, our fellow knights in shining armor can stand in the limelight once more. But if you're looking for something reliable for progression, you can't go wrong with Paladin.

B Tier

Dark Knight – Where did it all go wrong? We had damage, all the fanfare, and the support of the developers. For once Dark Knight was on top with its superb mitigation, big damage, and easy gameplay. Now a Dark Knight is only good for Living Dead, but you might as well play Gunbreaker. Maybe next time.

FFXIV Healer Tier List

FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5 (2)

Endwalker introduced a new healer in quite a while which shook up the balance quite a bit. We got a complete rework of the entire system and healers are not split into the two genders. Those to be clear with and those we pump numbers with.

S Tier

Astrologian – Astro might be low in damage but we just can't underestimate the power of the right cards at the right time. And there is their kit which is just incredible when it comes to turning a situation around. There is no other healer as versatile that can deal with every situation without dropping a beat.

Scholar – You know why they are here. Sure we also miss those DoTs and will never stop complaining about them on the forums but with every patch, our fairy growths. And Chain Strategem always feels good to use mid-burst.

A Tier

White Mage – The classic Final Fantasy healer finally got their groove back and for the first time in years, it feels viable across the board. Sure you'll miss out on mighty buffs but the chunky healing and chunky damage make it all worth it. Our only complaint is the lack of conversion from Lilies to Bloodlilies if you don't need them for healing.

Sage – On this spot interchangeable with WHM. The new healer is simply fun to play, has great mobility, and has a unique twist on the healer game plan. But what makes them excellent for progression is their almost uncanny ability to turn a situation around in just a few button presses.

FFXIV Melee DPS Tier List

FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5 (3)

S Tier

Monk – Monk might be significantly harder to play than most other jobs in its category but thanks to Brotherhood and a top-to-bottom rework it now sits at the very top of the DPS charts. Sure you could play Samurai and have an easy life but don't you want to flex on everyone else?

A Tier

Dragoon – The crowd favorite, the one and only Dragoon is still kicking ass and taking names in 2023 going into 2024. We never got that rework Naoki Yoshida promised us but sometimes that's just how it is, isn't it? Still big damage and Dragon Sight now covers most of the arena. That's enough right?

Samurai – Samurai still induced wrath in most FFXIV players just by how easy it is to play and optimize. Sure if you're bad at it, the numbers won't lie but if you are good at SAM the damage is gonna be extreme. But maybe we'll get Kaiten back, eventually. Some day.

B Tier

Reaper – Initially conceived as “What if Dragoon was mobile but in a good way”, the shine is slowly coming off our favorite edge lords. But that doesn't mean they are bad by any means, no their freeform rotation is still fun to optimize around fights and they are still pretty cool.

Ninja – No one appreciates the Ninja, shows up to almost every encounter, and blesses the party with Trick Attack and Mug. They are often imitated but never duplicated. And with them getting a new colleague in the Scouting category we hope that Dawntrail will go the NINs way once again.

FFXIV Ranged DPS Tier List

FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5 (4)

For years the poor ranged DPS have been suffering from the ranged tax and the fact that anything that isn't Bard was usually considered griefing. Now it is better, not perfect but you will still have your fellow party members gaslight you into thinking anything that doesn't buff the party isn't viable.

S Tier

Bard – We hate it here. BRD DPS might not top the charts on paper but those silly little songs they play are just too damn useful. Now if come Dawntrail you wouldn't have to clip your song rotation by 15 or so seconds every single time, that'd be nice.

A Tier

Dancer – Might not do a lot of damage when looking at the numbers but when paired with a very strong dance partner, they might even excel the Bard in terms of usefulness. Just keep telling yourself that your party likes you for you and not the numbers you bring to your Samurai or Black Mage.

B Tier

Machinist – You hate to see it, we hate to see it but it sadly is what it is. How come that the second coolest class with a gun in this game ends up so low on the totem pole? Easy, the lack of big numbers and a stupid mechanic that puts you at the mercy of the server tick.

FFXIV Magical DPS Tier List

FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5 (5)

For our mages, it was business as usual in Endwalker. Sure everyone got a few more tools to play with and two of them got relegated to glorified assistant healer but it wasn't all bad, right? And we're getting a new one with Dawntrail so that is exciting.

S Tier

Black Mage – You can clearly tell which job is played by the director and producer of Final Fantasy XIV right? Kidding.. the way this game is balanced is that you trade mobility and party utility for big numbers, right? But when all the fights can be micro-optimized that doesn't really matter. So you go off BLM.

A Tier

Summoner – Poor Summoner. Their world was turned upside down with the most recent rework of the job. Suddenly you have lots of mobility, and cool utility across the board and your job doesn't feel like the magical version of Bard. But suddenly the magic is gone, Summoner has turned into a very easy and fun class to play but pays for it by having small numbers. Sad.

B Tier

Red Mage – This hurts. This one just hurts. How come Red Mage, one of the coolest jobs in the entire game (not biased), with a run rotation that allows for some flexibility (still no bias) really useful utility, and even a very fast rez (absolutely not biased here) is so low in numbers? This needs to be addressed! They are fun in PvP tho.

And that sums up our tier list for Final Fantasy XIV and its current standings. For more on FFXIV check out our guide to PvP and what you can expect from the upcoming Dawntrail expansion.

FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5 (6)

Timo Reinecke

Has once claimed that FSH is the only job in FFXIV worth playing and stands by that firmly. Top Guy, Smart Guy, Educated Speaker. (sometimes)Writer of all things FFXIV, FGC, News, Reviews and More

FFXIV Job Tier List for 6.5 (2024)


What is the most sought after job in FFXIV? ›

What is the Most Sought After Job in FFXIV? That depends on the role. The most popular tanks are Gunbreakers, while best ranged magical DPS is the Summoner.

What is the strongest DPS class in FFXIV? ›

Black Mage's Ascendancy:

Since the spring of 2023 the Black Mage has been at the top of the charts when it comes to dealing damage. It has made sure its spot is not up for grabs. In the tough battles known as Savage raids in FFXIV its power really shows. These fights are among the hardest in the game.

What is the highest DPS job in Endwalker? ›

BLM is the highest DPS job out of all the caster jobs in 6.51. This job, however, is not for the faint of heart, and it shows, because it's also the least-played caster job in savage content, too. Only play if you're committed to mastering BLM!

What is the job level cap in FFXIV? ›

It is confirmed that level cap will be 100.

What is the most useful class in FFXIV? ›

Red Mage is considered one of the most powerful jobs in FFXIV due to its versatility and ability to deal significant amounts of damage. Its melee strikes can quickly defeat enemies, while its magical spells can provide support or crowd control.

What is the most popular class in FFXIV 2024? ›

GUNBREAKER. Gunbreaker is one of the most popular and powerful classes in Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV). With its combination of high DPS output and tanking abilities, Gunbreaker has earned its place as an S-Tier class in FFXIV.

What is the most selfish class in ff14? ›

Both the Samurai and Machinist are rather selfish DPS however, in the sense that they do high amounts of damage with very little actual utility to help the party. Samurai boast the highest DPS out of all classes only beaten by a Black Mage.

What is the weakest DPS class in FFXIV? ›


Most forgiving and least button dps class ? Dancer. or bard. Dancer has the simplest rotation and comparatively few buttons to press, but it's the overall weakest dps.

What is the hardest class to parse FFXIV? ›

I think BLM and SAM are likely hard to parse on due to the nature of players that gravitate toward those jobs. I have yet to meet a BLM / SAM main that isn't competitive about damage. Machinist and warrior are obvious. Healers are way easier to oranges than people realise.

What is the easiest DPS in ff14? ›

Dancer, Summoner, Bard, and Reaper (maybe Mechanist too) are probably the easiest DPS to learn, though it's a shame 2 of those are locked behind high level. There's always tanks and healers if you wanna go for something more simple.

What is the best DPS utility in FFXIV? ›

If you're asking which job does the highest damage, it's BLM and has pretty much always been BLM because they offer literally no party utility and are the hardest job in the game to play optimally.

What is the highest DPS tank class FFXIV? ›

Of all the tanks in FFXIV, Gunbreaker has the highest DPS in the role.

What level does Stormblood end at? ›

Gameplay. A dramatic overhaul of the battle system accompanies the level cap increase to level 70. The gameplay and quest structure of Stormblood largely match that of its base game. As with many MMORPGs, players interact with each other in a persistent world that responds to their actions.

What level can you switch jobs in FF14? ›

You can do class change/ job when your current job reached lvl 10. For example, if you choose lancer. You will start in Gridania, which has lancer, archer, and conjurer guild. And the crafters in that city are leatherworker, botanist, and woodworker.

What is the max level in Ffxiv free? ›

You can play FINAL FANTASY XIV up to level 70 for free. Characters, and their associated data, that you create in the Free Trial can be carried over to the full game.

What is the most popular Final Fantasy job? ›

Final Fantasy: 10 Best Job Classes In The Series
  • 8 Warrior.
  • 7 White Mage.
  • 6 Monk.
  • 5 Blue Mage.
  • 4 Ninja.
  • 3 Red Mage.
  • 2 Thief.
  • 1 Summoner.
Dec 24, 2023

What is the most prestigious title in FFXIV? ›

Legend Titles Are the Pinnacle of Prestige in FFXIV

Legend titles, including "The Legend," "The Ultimate Legend," "The Perfect Legend" and the recent "The Heavens' Legend" are the quintessential prestigious titles. They are all obtained from completing Ultimate Raids, the hardest fights in the game.

What is the best gathering profession in FFXIV? ›

Botanist is the most useful gathering class in the game. It provides a variety of materials for Carpenters, Weavers, Culinarians, and Alchemists.

What is the best job quest story in FFXIV? ›

FFXIV's Dark Knight Is One Of Its Most Popular Jobs

The dark-themed tank class offers one of the more grim, edgy storylines in the game, which makes sense considering the class's inspirations from Kentaro Miura's Berserk.

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.