1. Add 12 to 14 Years to Healthy Life Expectancy | Life Extension Magazine
A large study published in 2018 demonstrated that people who adopt five specific healthy lifestyle factors add 12-14 years to their life expectancy.
A large study published in 2018 showed that people who adopt five specific healthy lifestyle factors add 12-14 years to their life expectancy. Most readers of Life Extension Magazine are even more vigilant in proactively taking steps to increase their healthy longevity.
2. Harvard study says these 5 habits may help you live 10 years or longer
10 apr 2019 · A 30-year Harvard study reveals the 5 simple habits that may prolong your life by 10 years or more · 1. Maintain a healthy diet · 2. Exercise ...
Americans have a shorter average life expectancy — 79.3 years — than almost all other high-income countries. But after 30 years of data-collecting, Harvard researchers discovered the five lifestyle habits that could add 10 years or more to your life.
3. Adopt eight lifestyle changes to add 20 years to your life, researchers say
24 jul 2023 · Adopting eight lifestyle changes, such as eating well and getting a good night's sleep, could add more than 20 years to your life, research suggests.
People could live longer if they make changes such as managing stress and avoiding cigarettes, study finds
4. Here's how to eat to live longer, new study says - CNN
9 jan 2023 · You can reduce your risk of an early death for any reason by nearly 20%, just by eating more foods from your choice of four healthy eating patterns, according ...
A new study following nearly 120,000 people for 36 years found you have a lot of choice in what you eat to live longer if you stick to certain principles.
5. The secrets to living a longer, healthier life - Finley Regional Care
26 nov 2020 · Maintaining a healthy social network can help you live up to 50% longer, and may decrease your risk of early death by more than 200%.
Studies around the world have discovered that there are certain commonalities to be found in regions where people tend to live longer. The secrets to longevity are within our grasp it would seem, and certain areas of the planet appear to have cracked the code. But that doesn’t mean that moving to such a region …
6. 8 healthy habits linked to living decades longer | New Scientist
24 jul 2023 · A study of more than 700000 people found that adopting eight healthy habits by age 40 could extend life expectancy by more than two decades.
A study of more than 700,000 people found that adopting eight healthy habits by age 40 could extend life expectancy by more than two decades
7. The Best Exercise for Longevity? How Essentrics Can Improve Your ...
Discover the impact of Essentrics® on your healthspan for a happier, healthier life. Read more on our blog!
8. Healthy life years statistics - European Commission
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9. Blue Zones: Home - Live Better, Longer
Live Better, Longer · Life Radius · Welcome to the Blue Zones Life · Articles
Inspired by the research of the original blue zones areas, places where people live extraordinarily long lives, we empower everyone, everywhere to live better, longer.