How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (2025)

byColleen de Bellefonds

How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (2) Medically Reviewed by Jessica Wu, M.D.

| April 20, 2023


How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (3)

Wondering about the scar you'll have after a C-section? Here's more information on what to expect, plus how to help your incision heal properly and minimize scarring.

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In This Article

  • Types of C-section incisions
  • How are C-section incisions closed?
  • Types of C-section scars
  • How can you help a C-section scar heal?
  • How long does it take a C-section scar to heal?
  • Is there anything you can do to minimize C-section scarring?
  • Are there cosmetic options to minimize a C-section scar?
  • Is it normal for a C-section scar to itch?
  • Is it normal for a C-section scar to smell?
  • Is it normal for a C-section scar to feel numb?
  • Signs of C-section scar infection: when to see your doctor

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As a parent, your goal is for your baby to arrive in the world healthy and safe. And if that means it’s by C-section,[1] the resulting incision represents a miracle of life — your beautiful baby.

Still, it’s natural to want to do everything you can to ensure that the wound heals well and scar tissue is minimized. The good news: Most C-section scars heal nicely, leaving only a faint line just above the pubic hair line that's easily covered up by clothing, underwear and bathing suits.

Types of C-section incisions

During a C-section, your doctor makes two incisions. The first is through the skin of your lower abdomen, about an inch or two above your pubic hair line. The second is into the uterus,in order to reach in and deliver your baby.

Your practitioner won’t need to cut your abdominal muscles — they can simply separate them to access the uterus, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).[2]

The type of incision on your abdomen may not be the same as the one on your uterus and instead will be either:

  • Horizontal. A low-transverse incision (or a “bikini cut”) is used in 95 percent of C-sections today. That’s because it’s done across the lowest part of the uterus, which is thinner — meaning less bleeding. It’s also less likely to split if you try to have a vaginal birth after a C-section (VBAC) when delivering a future baby.
  • Vertical. Also known as a “classical” C-section, this incision is down the middle of the uterus. It used to be common, but now is typically only reserved for certain situations.For example, it may be done in a preterm delivery, when the baby is nestled low in your uterus or in another unusual position, or in an emergency laborsituation.Vertical incisions may be slightly more painful and take a little longer to heal.

The incision on your uterus will be one of the following:

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How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (5)

Having a C-Section (Cesarean Section)

How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (6)

Best C-Section Recovery Items

How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (7)

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)

How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (8)

Having a C-Section (Cesarean Section)

How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (10)

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)

  • Low-transverse incision
  • Low-vertical incision
  • Classical incision

How are C-section incisions closed?

The incision on the uterus is always closed with dissolvable stitches, but the one on your skin may be closed in one of three ways:

  • Staples. Your doctor uses a skin stapler to close the incision with metal staples — a popular choice because it’s the easiest and quickest option.
  • Stitches. Using needle and thread, your doctor brings the incision together. While this method takes a little more time, some experts believe it could be a better option."Studies show that using stitches to close the C-section incision results in fewer wound complications, such as infection and wound re-opening, compared to using staples," says What to Expect Medical Review Board Member Jessica Wu, M.D., a board-certifieddermatologist in private practice in Los Angeles, California.From an aesthetic standpoint, staples and stitches result in similar scars, according to the NIH.
  • Glue. Surgical glue seals the skin (no worries, it won’t wash away), which is then topped with a transparent dressing. Some experts say that glue heals fastest and leaves the finest, least visible scar. But it’s not always an option."Studies show that glue is equivalent to stitches, although stitches may hold the wound more securely if the skin is thicker or under greater tension," says Dr. Wu, who is an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the USC Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles.

Types of C-section scars

Most times, C-section scars heal properly, although theyoften appear darker than the surrounding skin — especially in people who have richly-pigmented skin tones, says Dr. Wu. Sometimes, however, your body’s healing process goes into overdrive, which can lead to problems with scarring.

The types of C-section scars and related issues include:

  • Keloid. A keloid scar occurs when scar tissue extends beyond the original boundaries of the wound, possibly resulting in lumps of scar tissue around the incision.Keloid scars tend to be thickened, raised, and itchy, explains Dr. Wu. “If you’ve had a keloid scar elsewhere, you may be at higher risk of developing a more prominent C-section scar," she says.
  • Hypertrophic scar. A hypertrophic scar is thicker, firmer and usually more raised than a normal scar — but unlike a keloid, it stays within the borders of its original incision line.

It’s often hard to tell keloid and hypertrophic scars apart, says Alexander Zuriarrain, M.D., F.A.C.S., aboard-certified plastic surgeon and founder of Zuri Plastic Surgery in Miami, Florida.

"The major difference is that the keloid scar grows outside its original borders and has a ‘tumor-like’ quality in its appearance,” he explains.

How can you help a C-section scar heal?

How your C-section scar heals often has to do with factors that are out of your control. Still, you can follow these tips to help the process along:

  • Keep it clean. Once a day (when you shower), let soapy water drip down your wound. There’s no need to waterproof it, but you should avoid vigorous scrubbing. When you’re done, gently pat the area dry with a clean towel.
  • It might be possible to use ointment and cover your scar. Some doctors say it’s okay to apply a topical antibiotic or petroleum jelly and cover the wound lightly with a bandage. Others say it’s better to apply nothing and leave the wound uncovered. Talk to your doctor about which is best for your scar.
  • Air it out. Air promotes healing in skin injuries, so whenever possible, expose your scar. You can try wearing a loose gown at night to get the air circulating, for instance. Just be sure to protect it with sunscreen and/or a bandage when you're out in the sun.
  • Keep your appointments. If your incision was closed with stitches that don’t dissolve, be sure to go to your follow-up postpartum appointments so your practitioner can remove them. TheAmerican College of Gynecologists (ACOG) now recommends that the first postpartum doctor's check-in happens within three weeks of giving birth instead of four to six as previous guidelines suggested, with another comprehensive checkup within 12 weeks of delivery. For C-section births, the timing and frequency of your doctor's visits might be different, so talk to your practitioner about when to come in after having the baby.
  • Hold off on exercise. You need to take it easy to allow the scars on your uterus and abdomen to heal. So avoid bending or twisting your body or making sudden movements as much as possible, and don’t pick up anything heavier than your baby. Get the okay from your doctor before resuming exercise.
  • Get moving. Just because you can’t train for a marathon right now doesn’t mean you can’t stay active. Increased blood flow, in fact, helps healing and decreases your chances of developing deep vein thrombosis, or DVT (a blood clot that’s more common during pregnancy and the postpartum period). Once you feel up to it, pop your baby in that stroller and take a walk around your neighborhood.

How long does it take a C-section scar to heal?

By two weeks, your scar should look and feel much better, but it takes longer to heal.

“A C-section scar will reach 80 percent of its strength by week 6,"says Dr. Zuriarrain. "At that point, it can be considered healed and is not at any increased risk of infection or injury." But it can take at least a year for the scar to settle into how it will look permanently, he adds.

Is there anything you can do to minimize C-section scarring?

Your C-section scar will fade on its own over time. But while some people are simply genetically predisposed to forming keloid or hypertrophic scars, says Dr. Zuriarrain, there are several techniques that may help minimize scarring, including:

  • Silicone sheeting. “Once the stitches or staples are removed, silicone gel sheets should be used to help the scar heal more smoothly,” says Dr. Wu. You can buy these small sheets over the counter; they generally cost around $40 for a 12-week supply. It’s unknown exactly how silicone sheeting works to improve scars, but some research has shown that it may help soften and flatten scars, especially if you tend to form keloids or hypertrophic scars. Ask your doctor when you can start trying silicone sheeting. You may see results in a month, though you might need to use them longer for more aggressive scars.
  • Silicone gels and creams. Silicone gels and creams serve the same purpose as silicone sheets and are also OTC for about $50 for a 30-ounce tube. Again, always ask your doctor before trying any treatment for your scar.
  • Limit sun exposure. Sunlight can cause a scar to be more noticeable by making it darker or lighter than the surrounding skin, so try to keep it out of direct sunlight for the first year and apply sunscreen thereafter.
  • Scar massage. Drs. Wu and Zuriarrain recommend massaging the scar tissue as soon as the stitches or staples are removed and the skin has healed over — usually around two to three weeks after surgery. "This increases circulation, breaks down scar tissue, and helps encourage the collagen fibers to grow more parallel to the skin surface, which makes the scar smoother," says Dr. Wu. "Everyone’s healing is different, so be sure to check with your surgeon before starting massage." Using unscented body lotion, gently rub the skin with the pad of your fingers in a circular motion until the skin blanches, moving back and forth over the full length of the scar. Ideally, you’ll aim to massage the scar for a few minutes twice daily. Continue until the scar flattens. Stop massaging any areas if you noticing blistering, open skin, or a rash.

Although scars generally settle into what they'll look like permanently 12 months after C-section surgery, some can continue to improve after the first year. “If you continue to see improvement, it’s worth continuing massage and other measures, such as silicone patches,” says Dr. Wu.

Are there cosmetic options to minimize a C-section scar?

Maybe your C-section scar didn’t heal like you thought it would, or maybe you just want it gone. While there’s no way to erase a C-section scar completely, there are a few options that can improve its look and feel.

Non-surgical procedures

With these procedures, there’s not a long waiting period before you can get started:

  • Laser therapy. "Laser can be used to fade red scars or smooth irregular scar borders," says Dr. Wu. Some lasers can remove discoloration, while others help soften the texture. You can begin once any stitches are removed from your C-section (and your doctor clears you) — you’ll likely have a better outcome if you get laser therapy sooner rather than later. (Dr. Zuriarrain recommends starting one month after surgery.)Check with your OB/GYN (some perform laser therapy), or consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. You might need between one and four treatments before the scar reaches its final look.$1,000 per session, or $3,000 for three sessions, according to Dr. Zuriarrain. But rates may vary significantly depending on the clinic and where you live.
  • Steroid injections. “If the scar is raised, lumpy or itchy, your doctor may inject cortisone to help flatten it,” says Dr. Wu. Injections are mainly used for keloid scars and are not effective for hypertrophic scars, says Dr. Zuriarrain.An injection of a long-acting steroid can reduce inflammation and help the scar flatten and become less noticeable. Your doctor can inject the incision site at the time of your C-section to (hopefully) prevent hypertrophic or keloid scarring. If you have already had your C-section, you can get your first injection about 30 days after surgery, says Dr. Zuriarrain. You’ll need to get injections monthly for anywhere from three to six months, depending on the severity of the scar. Steroid injections may be covered by your insurance, but it’s approved on a case-by-case basis. Each injection usually costs about $50.

Surgical procedures

Because a scar’s appearance may improve, doctors generally won’t do any repairs before six to 12 months after a C-section. If you’re still interested in surgical options then, talk to your doctor about whether any of the following options could work for you:

  • Scar revision. With this procedure, a surgeon removes the skin around the scar completely and then, with precision, sutures the new wound — leaving a thinner and less visible scar. A scar revision may help if your C-section scar is wide or has thickened, if you’ve formed a keloid or hypertrophic scar, or if you simply don’t like it and want something less noticeable. Removal of the scarred tissue and reclosure may be covered by insurance on a case-by-case basis. The cost of scar revision depends on the length of the scar and whether it can be done with local anesthesia or if it requires sedation. Prices can range from $1,000 to $2,500.
  • Tummy tuck. "Tummy tuck isn’t typically used to treat a C-section scar, though tightening the surrounding skin can sometimes make a C section scar less noticeable," says Dr. Wu. Your doctor may recommend abdominoplasty — commonly known as a tummy tuck — if you have “enough skin that it can be removed and closed at a level that is below the original C-section,” says Dr. Zuriarrain.If you have excess, loose skin on your stomach, your doctor may recommend abdominoplasty. During the procedure, a surgeon cuts away extra fat and skin (including the C-section scar) and carefully stitches the incision together. This probably isn’t a good choice if your C-section scar is small, since a tummy tuck scar is typically longer. But if your scar really bothers you, a tummy tuck could be right for you. Costs vary widely depending on where you live and whether you need a mini-abdominoplasty versus a full abdominoplasty, as well as whether you're also getting liposuction. Tummy tucks aren’t covered by insurance.

Is it normal for a C-section scar to itch?

Itching is very common, since the nerves in the area have been disrupted. Avoid scratching. To calm itchy skin, you can apply a minimal amount of sunburn cream to the skin around the scar. Or hold an ice pack (or ice wrapped in a towel) to the area for about five to 10 minutes.

Is it normal for a C-section scar to smell?

As long as you keep it clean, the area shouldn’t smell — so if it does, check with your doctor, as it could be a sign of infection.

Is it normal for a C-section scar to feel numb?

Yes. Many women experience numbness or a tingling sensation in the area, which usually goes away with time,according to ACOG. Mention it to your practitioner if you’re concerned.

Signs of C-section scar infection: when to see your doctor

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:

  • Redness, warmth, or swelling of the incision or skin surrounding it
  • Fever higher than 100.4 Fahrenheit
  • Oozing or drainage from the incision site
  • Foul smell from the area
  • The wound becomes hard or you feel increasing pain around the wound
  • Pain or tenderness in a specific spot of the incision (note that while some pain is normal for the first few weeks, it should be generalized — not pain that you pinpoint to a specific spot)
  • Your incision splits open

Rest assured that infections are fairly rare; just keep an eye on your scar as it heals, treat it by following these tips, and check in with your OB/GYN or midwife if you have any questions or concerns. Remember that your C-section scar is a sign of the beautiful baby you brought into this world, and will fade in time.

From the What to Expect editorial team andHeidi Murkoff,author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading ourmedical review and editorial policy.


  1. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Cesarean Birth, October 2021. | Show in the article
  2. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Cesarean Section, September 2022. | Show in the article
  3. Jessica Wu, M.D., Dermatologist in Los Angeles, CA, and Member of the What to Expect Medical Review Board.
  4. Alexander Zuriarrain, M.D., F.A.C.S., Plastic Surgeon at Zuri Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL.
  5. What to Expect the First Year, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  6.,Having a C-Section,July 2021.
  7.,Your Postpartum Checkups,June 2021.
  8.,Postpartum Recovery Timeline, April2023.
  9., Postpartum Skin Care Guide, September 2021.
  10. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,Optimizing Postpartum Care, 2021.
  11. Mayo Clinic, C-Section, June 2022.
  12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, Births: Method of Delivery, January 2023.
  13. March of Dimes, Having a C-Section, October 2018.
  14. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine,Cesarean Delivery, March 2023.
  15. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Comparison of Transverse and Vertical Skin Incision for Emergency Cesarean Delivery, June 2010.
  16. University of California, San Francisco, Scar Revision, 2023.
  17. American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Scar Revision, 2023.
  18. National Kidney Foundation, Scar Massage — How to Promote Healing, 2023.
  19. Johns Hopkins Medicine, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2023.
  20. Cleveland Clinic, Scars, March 2021.
  21. KidsHealth From Nemours,Cesarean Sections, June 2022.
  22. Iffath Hoskins, M.D.,OB/GYN, President of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and specialist in maternal-fetal medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York, NY.
  23. Debra J. Johnson, M.D., American Society of Plastic Surgeons and Cosmetic Surgeon at Ideal Plastic Surgery in Sacramento, CA.
  24. John Paul Tutela, M.D., Plastic Surgeon at Tutela Plastic Surgery in New York, NY.
  25. Jill Waibel, M.D., Dermatologist at Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute in Miami, FL.
  26. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information,Scar Tissue after a Cesarean Section — The Management of Different Complications in Pregnant Women, November 2021.

April 20, 2023

Editor: Catherine Donaldson-Evans

  • Updates throughout to expert sources, text, guidelines and formatting.

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How to Care for Your C-Section Scar (2025)


How to Care for Your C-Section Scar? ›

Your C-section scar will heal in approximately six weeks. Taking care of your C-section during recovery includes resting and keeping the area clean. There are some methods that can reduce the appearance of your C-section scar, including scar massage, steroid injections, topical creams, or scar revision.

How do you maintain a C-section scar? ›

How can you help a C-section scar heal?
  1. Keep it clean. Once a day (when you shower), let soapy water drip down your wound. ...
  2. It might be possible to use ointment and cover your scar. ...
  3. Air it out. ...
  4. Keep your appointments. ...
  5. Hold off on exercise. ...
  6. Get moving.
Apr 20, 2023

Should I put anything on my C-section scar? ›

Doctors don't recommend putting any type of lotions or antibiotic cream on your c-section scar until it's completely healed.

How do I know if my C-section scar is healing well? ›

The coloration of the c-section scar should start to fade from red to pink, and it should look pretty uniform. The c-section scar should become less tender to the touch as this happens. You shouldn't see anything seeping out of your scar, if so contact your healthcare team to ensure it's healing correctly.

How long should I keep my C-section incision covered? ›

One week after a C-section

They're under your skin, so you won't see them, and they don't need to be removed. If you have Steri-Strips covering the incision, keep them on for about 10 to 14 days, and then you can peel them off.

Should I wash my C-section scar everyday? ›

You'll usually be advised to: gently clean and dry the wound every day. wear loose, comfortable clothes and cotton underwear. take a painkiller if the wound is sore – for most women, it's better to take paracetamol or ibuprofen (but not aspirin) while you're breastfeeding.

Should I moisturize C-section scar? ›

Moisturizer: Regularly moisturizing the scar site is often suggested to help heal once the incision has fully closed. Check with a healthcare provider on whether one of the following may be appropriate for you to use on a C-section scar area:1920. Petroleum jelly.

How to tighten tummy after a C-section? ›

Some core exercises are safe to do if you've had a C-section. These include side planks, pelvic tilts, heel slides, Kegels, squats, and wall sits. You do need the okay from your doctor before you start exercising. Also, it would help if you avoided any exercise that puts unnecessary pressure on the pelvic floor.

What can I rub on my C-section scar? ›

Applying silicone ointment, gel, or a silicone gel sheet may help prevent C-section scars from forming in the first place. Pressure therapy. Similarly, pressure therapy paired with massage can prevent a scar from forming—or decrease the size if one does form.

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Yes, a tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, can help eliminate belly overhang after a C-section. A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tightens the underlying muscles.

What is the best product for C-section scars? ›

Medical grade silicone strips are the top product we recommend to our C-section scar clients. They are non-invasive, safe to use and backed by scientific evidence. There are several scientific research studies on using silicone therapy which show it is effective in the treatment and prevention of scars.

Is it too late to massage a C-section scar? ›

Is it ever too late to massage a C-section scar? Massage is particularly effective in the first 6 months postpartum, however you can still benefit from the scar massage, even if it has been months or years since you had a C-section.

How long will my stomach be swollen after a C-section? ›

Some swelling after a c-section is completely normal—chalk it up to the IV fluids during surgery and those post-pregnancy hormones—and should go down after a week or so. The more you walk and move around, the more readily your body will get rid of all that extra fluid.

How to speed up C-section recovery? ›

To help with healing:
  1. Get enough rest. It's important to keep moving after a C-section, but you also need to get enough rest. ...
  2. Seek pain relief. Your healthcare professional might suggest ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or other medicines to relieve pain.
Mar 6, 2024

When can I start lay on my stomach after a C-section? ›

Recovering from a C-section requires that you give yourself space and time needed to heal properly. This also means that some activities and behaviors may need to be avoided or adjusted until you're at least 6 weeks postpartum, you're fully healed, or your doctor has confirmed it's OK to do so. Avoid: stomach sleeping.

What is the most common complication of a cesarean section? ›

In addition to postpartum hemorrhage, wound infection and endometritis are the other common complications after a cesarean section.

Will my C-section scar ever go away? ›

While they usually fade over time, C-section scars don't go away completely. If you have light skin, your scar may be pink or red and continue to fade, with the color of the scar remaining darker or lighter than your skin color. If you have dark skin, the scar may appear darker than your skin tone.

Do they cut the same scar for a second C-section? ›

Does the doctor use the same scar for a second C-section? If you're having a second C-section, normally your surgeon will attempt to cut through the same scar. This might not be possible if there's lots of scar tissue in the area, or if the scar tissue is too thick to cut through.

Can you prevent scar tissue after C-section? ›

Applying silicone ointment, gel, or a silicone gel sheet may help prevent C-section scars from forming in the first place. Pressure therapy. Similarly, pressure therapy paired with massage can prevent a scar from forming—or decrease the size if one does form.

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