Physical Ranged Tier List (2024)

Last updated on Jul 22, 2024 at 00:00by Lavender1 comment

This page contains Physical Ranged specific information regarding what you should expect fromthe role, as well as what others may expect from you in FFXIV. We've also ranked each job within the role,dependent on what type of content you're aiming to complete.


Physical Ranged Tier List

Tier lists in Final Fantasy XIV are fairly nuanced, so if you'dlike a more detailed explanation on the jobs within this role, feel free to readon beyond the initial tier list we've provided.

Balance in this game is not always cut and dry. While most people typically tendto judge jobs off the 100% parse for any given encounter, those runs are almostalways outliers due to padding, Critical Hit rate RNG, or even early clears in thetier when there was only a handful of people even capable of clearing a fight.

The following information is based on the release of Dawntrail and Patch 7.0. It is possiblethe game will see further balancing in Patch 7.05, but for now this is the current meta.


Arcadion Savage

  1. Bard: This is currently the top choice for groups who plan on clearing Week 1 ofSavage Arcadion. Bard currently has the highest potential DPS out of all three Physical Ranged, providinginsane support through their raid buffs.
  2. Dancer: Normally Dancer is the clear choice for early Savage, however unlike the last twoSavage tiers, groups will not be able to feed their best DPS a Tome Weapon. While they can still feed them armorand accessories, the lack of the extra Weapon Damage further diminishes Dancer usefulness in early prog.
  3. Machinist: Unfortunately all the buffs Machinist received in the last expansion did not carryover into Dawntrail. Machinist is currently the worst Physical Ranged and not recommended for early Savage prog; formidcore and casual groups Machinist will perform just fine. The damage disparity is especially true when groupedwith high-performing party members.

Each of the Physical Ranged DPS Jobs plays differently, and each come with their own upsides and downsides. As far as difficultyis concerned, Physical Ranged is widely considered the most beginner friendly role in the game.

  • At its core, Bard does not have a combo system. Instead, it has a single button spam in Physical Ranged Tier List (1) Burst Shot that has a chance to proc a usage ofPhysical Ranged Tier List (2) Refulgent Arrow. Bard's rotation is fairly simple in full uptime situations, but can quickly becomemore complex depending on when and for how long downtime is added into an encounter.
  • Machinist is going to be my pick for easiest physical ranged. The nature of a static rotation means youcan effectively rely on muscle memory to perform mechanics in a fight and ignore your hotbars.This job does come with a ping requirement, moreso than other jobs, so it is important to keep that in mind.
  • Dancer has more RNG built into its kit than the other two jobs, and may require slightly more raid awareness while in burstthan Bard or Machinist.


Physical Ranged in a Nutshell

In modern Final Fantasy 14, the expectation of players is they're capable of flexing between jobs.You may not want or need to flex outside of your role, but if you've decided to pickup a Physical Ranged job as your main, it would be a huge benefit to you, as wellas the people you play with, if you were capable of flexing between all three jobs.

Not only does this make you a more attractive candidate for dedicated statics (for thoseunfamiliar, a static is just a group of players who meet up to raid on a schedule through-out theweek), it also allows you to change jobs on a whim in prog to ensure the best jobis selected for any given fight.

While all jobs in the game now run on a two-minute cycle, fight phasing, multi-targetcapabilities, the ability to hold resources, and even party utility can determine whichjob performs best in end-game content.

This page won't just be aimed at high end raiders. If you're new to the gameand need help deciding on which job to pick, this should hopefully give you someinsight on how to make that decision.


Expectations of the Role

Most players consider Physical Ranged as a role to be one of, if not the,easiest role to learn to play in the game. There's a bit of validity to that, as the design does make these jobs approachableto beginners, but it shouldn't change your perspective on the role in general as it has it's own learning curve later on inharder content. Instead, take advantage since you should be able to get comfortableon the role a bit faster than you would other roles.



This low difficulty scaling is due mainly because of the free mobility you gain on all three jobs. Even Dancer,which has to be a bit closer in proximity to the boss for Physical Ranged Tier List (3) Standard Step, doesn't needto worry very often about movement or their distance to the boss. Instances where they might involve multi-target situationswhere the targets are spread apart. This also applies to line-of-sight attacks such as Physical Ranged Tier List (4) Chain Saw,Physical Ranged Tier List (5) Apex Arrow, and Physical Ranged Tier List (6) Starfall Dance, since you would want your attack to hit as manytargets as possible.

Since Physical Ranged have free movement, there's one thing above all others we excel at: Mechanic responsiblity.What I mean by this is Ranged players should be the first players to volunteer for individual mechanic responsiblity,if there is any. This depends entirely on encounter design, but in fights where there's baited mechanics that forceyou to come off the boss, or mechanics where a high amount of mobility is required by a singular person, PhysicalRanged should be the ones taking the mantle. At the very least, any time there's a spread mechanic with limited spacing,it's always best for Ranged players to take the furthest spot from the boss as they lose nothing for doing so.

With Machinist being the outlier, both Bard and Dancer come with theirown flavor of extra mobility.

  • Physical Ranged Tier List (7) Repelling Shot: Decent mobility, but suffers from requiring a target and only moving you backward with nooption to go forward. Repelling Shot gets most of it's usage when an encounter limits standard movement options, such as icy floormechanics. You may also find it useful for positioning to deal with quick spread mechanics after a group stack.
  • Physical Ranged Tier List (8) En Avant: One of the strongest mobility options in the game. This comes on athree charge system and doesn't require a target to be used. En Avante can be used to correct positioningmistakes on the fly, to get back into range for raid buffs, or just simply move through the overworlda tiny bit faster.


Role Actions

Physical Ranged has access to nearly every type of crowd control in the game. The only crowd control we're missing is theability to Sleep enemies, which is specific to Casters only and access to a Stun, which is specific to both Tanksand Melee.

  • Physical Ranged Tier List (9) Leg Graze: This one doesn't get too much use. It places a Heavy affliction on the target, butit's doesn't get much use in end-game content. The last time it was used was as a way to slow an enemy was during the Eden's Verse Shiva Raid.This action gets most of it's use in Deep Dungeons, where certain mobscan be slowed to allow the player to kite them and avoid damage.
  • Physical Ranged Tier List (10) Foot Graze: Extremely niche, as the Bind wears off at the next instance of damage. Similar to LegGraze, this doesn't work in end-game content. Most usage will be seen in Deep Dungeons, allowing the player to gain distanceon the enemy, reducing damage taken.
  • Physical Ranged Tier List (11) Head Graze: This gets the most use out of the three. While not extremely common, the abilityto Silence is useful in end-game and casual content alike. Below is an example of what a castbar looks likeif it can be silenced.

Other than this, all Physical Ranged jobs come with Physical Ranged Tier List (12) Second Wind, a moderately powerful instant self heal, whichis a shared action with Melee jobs. Either use this if you're feeling uncomfortably low on health, or plan it's usagewith the healers in your raid group to make surviving prolonged damage a bit easier.


Mitigative Actions

The base mitigation action all Physical Ranged get changes it's name for class fantasy reasons. Bardcomes with Physical Ranged Tier List (13) Troubadour, Machinist comes with Physical Ranged Tier List (14) Tactician, and Dancercomes with Physical Ranged Tier List (15) Shield Samba. For the sake of understanding how these actions work with, you might as well considerthem to all be the same action. They all provide the same amount of mitigation, on the same cooldown, and may not be stackedwith one another. If you're paired in the same group with another Physical Ranged, try to stagger uses of these actionsto make sure you're not over-writing each other's uses.

Outside of the aforementioned mitigation, all three jobs come with their own flavor of extra mitigation,and each is unique in their own way. The following actions can be stacked with each other, or any other typeof mitigation or healing action in the game.

  • Bard
    • Physical Ranged Tier List (16) Nature's Minne: This ability will boost allhealing done to anyone affected by it. This includes GCD healing spells, self heals such as Physical Ranged Tier List (17) Second Wind,and oGCD healing coming from things like Physical Ranged Tier List (18) Shake It Off. There are a few outliers, Minne won't scalethe healing granted by certain lifesteal actions, such as Physical Ranged Tier List (19) Bloodbath or Physical Ranged Tier List (20) Bloodwhetting andwill also have zero effect when using health potions. As of Patch 6.3, Minne now applies to yourself and all nearbyparty members. The healing buff also stacks with other actions of the same flavor, such as Physical Ranged Tier List (21) Magick Barrierand Physical Ranged Tier List (22) Mantra. This action is multiplicative when combined with other like-effects, similar to how raid buffsstack with each other, scaling off each other as more are added. Coordinate with your healers where they would like thisused in high-end content. If you're just leveling or doing casual content, feel free to use this to help boost healingwhen dealing with large mob pulls in dungeons or similar.
  • Machinist
    • Physical Ranged Tier List (23) Dismantle: This ability requires a target, but mitigates damage for a flat 10%.This applies to all types of damage, so it is slightly better than both Physical Ranged Tier List (24) Addle and Physical Ranged Tier List (25) Feint. Think of it like a single-targetversion of Physical Ranged Tier List (26) Reprisal. This action is multiplicative, but since it's mitigation, it works against it rather than in it's favor, meaningstacking mitigation will have diminishing returns as more are stacked. In high-end content, plan this out with your healers. In more casual content,try to use Dismantle on boss encounters for either tankbusters or raid-wide instances of damage.
  • Dancer
    • Physical Ranged Tier List (27) Improvisation: Dancer's first unique utility action. This ability has two functions. The first, which is the more common effect,is a small heal-over-time placed on all nearby players. You can flash this in between GCD actions for a little bit of extra group healing.The second is a shield, which scales off stacks of Rising Rhythm. This is achieved by casting the ability and allowingstacks to generate, which happens once every three seconds, capping out at four stacks. It is possible to double weave Improvisationmid-combat and throw out a zero-stack shield, which equates to a 5% shield on all nearby party members. You will only really get the fulleffect from this during downtime, where it is most useful.
    • Physical Ranged Tier List (28) Curing Waltz: Dancer's second unique utility action. This is pretty simplistic, it's a heal placed on both the Dancer casting itand the person they're Dance Partnered to. It does come with an AoE effect, so by stacking up as a group you can heal the entire party for a potencyof 600, which is a substantial amount. Work with your healers to decide where they can use it most effectively. In casual content, stack with the tank togive them a heal through mob pulls.

Intelligent use of mitigation from our role can make a world of difference when it comes toprog time, consistent reclears, or even just smooth dungeon runs. Become familiar with what yourjob has to offer and move things around to see where they best fit.


Raid Calling

With easier to handle rotations, no casts, and no need to worry about uptime or positionals, Physical Ranged are the prime candidateto handle raid calling. Tanks and Healers both have their own set of responsiblity as well, handling personal mitigation and keepingthe group alive. Groups will, of course, differ from one to the next. Decisions like this should always be discussed as a group to ensureeveryone is comfortable and on the same page. If your Tank is more comfortable than you at shot-calling, there's no reason to not letthem.

As an added bonus, Physical Ranged are the most likely to have a full field-of-view of the arena during a mechanic, thus offering them a vantagepoint that others may not have to see boss models outside of the arena or to notice patterns faster than others in the group. Use thisto your advantage and you may be able to give your party members a precious few seconds extra to handle mechanics appropriately.



  • 22 Jul. 2024: Physical Ranged balance reviewed ahead of the Arcadion Savage raid tier.
  • 19 Jun. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 6.4.
  • 16 Jan. 2023: Guide added.

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Physical Ranged Tier List (2024)


What is the highest DPS ranged in FFXIV? ›

Bard currently has the highest potential DPS out of all three Physical Ranged, providing insane support through their raid buffs. Dancer: Normally Dancer is the clear choice for early Savage, however unlike the last two Savage tiers, groups will not be able to feed their best DPS a Tome Weapon.

What is the easiest ranged role in FFXIV? ›

As far as difficulty is concerned, Physical Ranged is widely considered the most beginner friendly role in the game. Refulgent Arrow. Bard's rotation is fairly simple in full uptime situations, but can quickly become more complex depending on when and for how long downtime is added into an encounter.

What is the highest DPS job in Endwalker? ›

BLM is the highest DPS job out of all the caster jobs in 6.51. This job, however, is not for the faint of heart, and it shows, because it's also the least-played caster job in savage content, too. Only play if you're committed to mastering BLM!

What are the physical ranged DPS classes? ›

Physical Ranged DPS
  • Bard.
  • Machinist.
  • Dancer.
Jul 30, 2024

What is the weakest DPS class in FFXIV? ›

Dancer. or bard. Dancer has the simplest rotation and comparatively few buttons to press, but it's the overall weakest dps. Having said that, all classes are completely viable for endgame content, groups won't exclude you for playing it (in fact people will love you for it, because you can buff their damage).

What is the easiest DPS in ff14? ›

For example, I find DNC harder to play than BRD, but most other comments here suggest I'm an outlier. Dancer, Summoner, Bard, and Reaper (maybe Mechanist too) are probably the easiest DPS to learn, though it's a shame 2 of those are locked behind high level.

What is the most sought after job in FFXIV? ›

Dancer and Bard are still some of the most popular jobs in the game because of their ability to move without having to slidecast, and the flexibility in how the job is used. It's incredibly satisfying to dole out damage, avoid mechanics easily, and also provide your team with utility when they need it.

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The Red Mage's mix of offense and healing makes it a comfortable job for players who don't want to rely on friends to help them out. As an added bonus, Red Mage is one of the best jobs to play if you plan to defeat the rare solo bosses in the Bozjan Southern Front.

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Black Mage's Ascendancy:

Since the spring of 2023 the Black Mage has been at the top of the charts when it comes to dealing damage. It has made sure its spot is not up for grabs. In the tough battles known as Savage raids in FFXIV its power really shows. These fights are among the hardest in the game.

Who is the best physical DPS character? ›

Physical damage is simply damage done through Normal and Charged Attacks that does not rely on elemental reactions. Eula is the top character in this category, thanks to her strong kit.

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Ranged Tier List
lb_ciMean DPSSpec
413.45K416.88KAffliction Warlock
406.39K410.1KDevastation Evoker
405.02K408.2KShadow Priest
404.87K408.1KBalance Druid
9 more rows

What is the easiest DPS class in Shadowlands? ›

Paladins are versatile and can tank, heal, or deal damage, and are generally considered WoW easiest class. They have strong defensive abilities and self-healing, which is much needed for new players. The rotation is also pretty simplistic.

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There are 29 different DPS specializations in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. The Top three DPS for Mythic+ Dungeons in WoW Patch 10.2 are Augmentation Evoker, Havoc Demon Hunter and Outlaw Rogue. The three top ranged DPS in WoW for Mythic+ Dungeons are the Frost Mage, Arcane Mage and Balance Druid.

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Frost mage is currently the highest DPS caster.

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The initial per-hit damage cap for all characters without equipping passives is 9999. Leveling up and equipping abilities extends this per-hit cap to 99999. LD Abilities will always maintain 99999 damage per each hit indicated.

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Black Mage's Ascendancy:

Since the spring of 2023 the Black Mage has been at the top of the charts when it comes to dealing damage. It has made sure its spot is not up for grabs. In the tough battles known as Savage raids in FFXIV its power really shows. These fights are among the hardest in the game.

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